Friday, February 12, 2010

Can racoon dogs walk along electricity wires?

Can racoon dogs climb that high?

I presume that if they only walk on one wire and dont touch the other one they will not complete the circut and burst into flames!!!Can racoon dogs walk along electricity wires?
Any organism can walk, swing, or whatever along electric cables, as long as they don't touch the ground or another cable.Can racoon dogs walk along electricity wires?
raccoon dogs?

if the animal is not heavy it can walk on wires as long as it does not touch the ground or get wet (rain/ect)
No such thing as a raccoon dog. Dogs cant, not even small ones, they don't have prehensile paws.

Raccoons can, especially young ones, or if the wires are thick.

Birds are not the only animal that walk power and telephone lines. Squirrels do it all the time. Cats try sometimes, they usually get electrocuted.
raccoon dogs are one of the few canines that are able to climb trees, but I do not believe they can walk a power line. They would have no way to hold themselves on the wire. They can not grasp with their paws. It is only the claws which are curved and pointed which allow them to climb at all.

And Jim there most certainly IS a raccoon dog. It is native to Japan and parts of Asia. It was introduced to some other areas as well and became a bit of a pest species which is why Missouri does not allow importation into this state.
no only birds can

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