Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do i get rid of a racoon in the attic?

i seen where hes not i n the atti c but if their are more moth balls or soke a rag invinegar or put a radio upstairs where they can here it while your at work they will leaveHow do i get rid of a racoon in the attic?
A live trap, some Kentucky Fried Chicken, and about 20 minutes and you'll have it caught. Take it a minimum of 4 miles away or it'll just come back.

Then block up the hole they got in through.How do i get rid of a racoon in the attic?
Life trap, they are big for cheetoes! Do not get one that will hurt the animal!!! Do not shoot it as that is horrible and crude. If you cannot trap it call an animal controll and ask them personally if they can live trap it, most likely it will be up to you to set it loose so you should take it to a safe location.

It is not the season for babies, but if you have problems in the spring make sure you look for babes.
Call animal control. They will rehabilitate it or give it to a zoo.
I don't know, that has never happened to me, well not that I know of.
Get a .22 (preferably Mossburg), make sure you get someone that can shoot straight and they'll take care of the coon.
raccoons are very dangerous and can carry rabies. contact the local animal control for advice. keep food locked up and pet's food dishes clean when they finish eating. tie down all of the lids on your garbage cans. after the raccoon is removed, repair all modes in ingress to your home.
Don't get too close.

Try calling 411 and see who you can call for the job.

Don't touch it and don't get near it.

Anyway that's your best bet.

They are hard to get rid of.

I had a family of raccoons in my old attic.

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