Sunday, February 7, 2010

I always get racoon eyes after applying eyeliner?

So I love eyeliner and I apply it everyday but I always end up with racoon eyes. What do I do to stop it from smearing all over the place? :)I always get racoon eyes after applying eyeliner?
Try applying some type of base or primer to the bottom of your eye before applying eyeliner.

Helps my eyeliner stay in place, that's what I do.I always get racoon eyes after applying eyeliner?
You should purchase a new eyeliner that doesnt smudge. I LOVE almay eyeliner that comes in a black and white tube. Its a bit pricy, $8, but it stay on and works very well. The best ive used yet.
Get one that is waterproof. It really helps also to get an eyeliner that has an earser on it for little touch ups. The earser really works. it's AWESOME!!!!
just don't use the eyeliner. sometimes in beauty u need to sacrifice certain needs. maybe Ur just not meant to wear eyeliner.

Good Luck!
get a new eyeliner;perhaps waterproof-and if your eyeliner is liquid, get a solid.
Try Mac eyeliner it works for me and never fades not even when I cry
buy an eyeliner that is waterproof or sweatfreee. it works :]
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