Sunday, February 7, 2010

I have a racoon in my house. I can't afford an exterminator. Animal contol won't come out to remove it.

I have three small babies in the house. He ate some dcon. He still appears healthy. I am very frightened. What should I do?I have a racoon in my house. I can't afford an exterminator. Animal contol won't come out to remove it.
borrow live trap and set it with some tuna fish or apple them love them bothI have a racoon in my house. I can't afford an exterminator. Animal contol won't come out to remove it.
Have a heart trap
~make a line of food that you dont eat from where da raccoon is to the door...~
Lure him outside with some dog kibble or other food if you're sure it's a male. A lactating female will be vicious about getting back to her babies.

The Muse
Rent (or in some case borrow from animal control) a live trap, put some of Rocky's fav food in it and wait (usually happens at night), take trap with Rocky to animal control.

Yes, racoons can carry rabies so be careful and consider wearing leather gloves when u pick up trap. (Rocky will NOT be happy)

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